Flag of Arizona

Painted Flag Design of Arizona Flag

Painted Flag Design of Arizona Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Arizona:

  • Originated from the emblem of the Arizona National Guard
  • Top half is in the colors of the flag of Spain
  • The 13 red and yellow rays represent the 13 original states
  • The copper star represents the copper mining industry in Arizona
  • The bottom half in blue represents liberty
  • Flag was officially adopted on February 17, 1917
  • Ranked 6th in design quality out of 72 North American Flags in a 2001 NAVA survey

Flag of Alaska

Painted Flag Design of Alaska Flag

Painted Flag Design of Alaska Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Alaska :

  • Designed by Benny Benson of Seward, who was 13 when his design won in a 1927 contest
  • The 8 stars represent the Big Dipper and the North Star
  • The Big Dipper is a group of stars in the constellation Ursa Major, which symbolizes a bear
  • The bear is also indigenous to Alaska
  • The description that Benny Benson submitted with his design read: “The blue field is for the Alaska sky and the forget-me-not, and Alaskan flower. The North Star is of the future state of Alaska, the most northerly in the Union. The Dipper is for the Great Bear, symbolizing strength.”
  • The flag was officially adopted on July 9, 1927
  • Ranked 5th in design quality out of 72 North American flags in a 2001 NAVA survey

Flag of New Mexico

Painted Flag Design of New Mexico Flag

Painted Flag Design of New Mexico Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of New Mexico:

  • Flag depicts a red sun symbol of the Zia tribe
  • The colors or red and yellow honor the flag of the Aragon realm, brought by the conquistadors
  • The Zia sun symbol has a sacred meaning for the Zia, with the sacred number of 4 which symbolizes the circle of life
  • The circle of life consists of the 4 directions, the 4 times of day, the 4 stages of life, and the 4 seasons
  • The flag was designed by Dr. Harry P. Mera who won a 1920 contest to design a new state flag for New Mexico
  • Flag was officially adopted since 1925
  • Ranked 1st in design quality out of 72 North American flag in a 2001 NAVA survey

Flag of Texas

Painted Flag Design of Texas Flag

Painted Flag Design of Texas Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Texas:

  • Known as the Lone Star Flag and contributing to Texas’ nickname as ‘The Lone Star State’
  • Blue represents loyalty, white represents purity, and red represents bravery
  • The Texas Flag Code states that the single star represents “All of Texas and stands for our unity as one for God, State, and Country”
  • The ‘Lone Star’ predates the Texas flag and was used as a symbol of Texas’ solidarity in declaring independence from Mexico
  • The Lone Star is still seen today as a symbol of Texas’ independent spirit
  • Originally adopted on January 25, 1839 and officially on August 31, 1933
  • Ranked 2nd best in design quality out of 72 North American flags in a 2001 NAVA survey

Flag of Jamaica

Painted Flag Design of Jamaica Flag

Painted Flag Design of Jamaica Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Jamaica:

  • The motto “Hardships there are but the land is green and the sun shineth” is the symbolism of the Jamaican flag
  • Black represents the hardship and the overcoming of hardship, yellow for the natural wealth and the beauty of sunlight, Green stands for hope and agricultural resources
  • It was originally designed with horizontal stripes but this was considered too similar to the Tanganyikan flag
  • The use of the St. Andrew’s cross hints at the Scottish and Irish roots of much of the population
  • The colors black green and yellow gold are Pan-African colors
  • Adopted on August 6, 1962 when Jamaica became independent from the British protected federation of the West Indies

Flag of Puerto Rico

Painted Flag Design of Puerto Rico Flag

Painted Flag Design of Puerto Rico Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Puerto Rico ( Commonwealth of Puerto Rico ) :

  • Originated in 1868 when “The Revolutionary Flag of Lares” was conceived
  • The Flag of Lares was the first Puerto Rican flag and was used in the Puerto-Rican revolt against Spanish rule on the island known as “El Grito de Lares”
  • The Flag of Lares was adopted as the Puerto Rican flag until 1892 when the current design was unveiled and adopted
  • The current design with its 5 equal horizontal bands of red and white and blue triangle with white star on the hoist side was modeled after the Cuban flag, with the colors converted in the Puerto Rican flag
  • This flag was first flown in Puerto Rico in March 24, 1897 during the “Intentona de Yauco” revolt
  • The use of the Puerto Rican flag was outlawed and the only flags permitted to be flown in Puerto Rico were the Spanish flag ( 1492 to 1898 ) and the flag of the United States ( 1898 to 1952 )
  • In 1952 the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico adopted the same design that was unveiled in 1892 but the color of the blue triangle was changed from light blue to the darker blue also used in the flag of the United States, creating a political controversy
  • There are no official color tones and the flag of Puerto Rico can be therefore often seen being displayed on the island with different shades of blue

Flag of Argentina

Painted Flag Design of Argentina Flag

Painted Flag Design of Argentina Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Argentina:

  • Triband design composed of three equally wide bands in the colors of light blue, white and light blue
  • Created by Manual Belgrano and first raised on February 27, 1812 at the city of Rosario
  • The yellow ‘Sun of May’ symbol was added to the center in 1818
  • The Sun of May refers to the May Revolution between the 18th and 25th of May, 1810
  • The May revolution marked the beginning of the independence from the Spanish Empire
  • The sun symbol was also used in traditional European heraldry in which it was called ‘the Sun in His Splendour’ or ‘the Sun in His Glory’
  • Flag was officially adopted on February 27, 1812

Flag of Wales

Painted Flag Design of Wales Flag

Painted Flag Design of Wales Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Wales:

  • Depicts the Red Dragon of Cadwaladr, King of Gwynedd
  • Design in Tudor colors of green and white
  • Flag was used by Henry VII at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485
  • The dragon symbol originated from the draco standards carried by Roman cavalry units during the Roman occupation of Britain
  • The Red Dragon is also believed to have been the battle standard of Arthur
  • The dragon as a flag design element is also used in the flag of Bhutan

Flag of Isle of Man

Painted Flag Design of Isle of Man Flag

Painted Flag Design of Isle of Man Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Isle of Man:

  • Depicts a triskelion of three armored legs with golden spurs, on red background
  • Based on the Manx coat of arms, dating back to the 13th century
  • The triskelion is an ancient symbol that was used by the Mycenaeans and the Lycians
  • The flag of Sicily has a similar flag design with triskelion
  • Also known as the flag of Mann
  • Official flag of Mann since 1931

Flag of Finland

Painted Flag Design of Finland Flag

Painted Flag Design of Finland Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Finland:

  • The flag of Finland features a blue Nordic cross on white background, the cross representing Christianity
  • The flag is also called siniristilippu or ‘Blue Cross Flag’
  • The flag was adopted after independence from Russia
  • The design of the flag can be traced back to the Russian Navy ensign
  • The blue color also represents Finland’s many lakes and the sky, the white represents the snow covered landscape in winter
  • It is a custom in Finland to fly the flag at Midsummer from 6 pm of Midsummer eve until 9 pm of Midsummer’s day to symbolize the lack of darkness in any part of Finland during Midsummer’s night
  • Officially adopted in 1918

Flag of Norway

Painted Flag Design of Norway Flag

Painted Flag Design of Norway Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Norway:

  • The flag of Norway consists of an indigo Scandinavian cross outlined in white and extending to the edges of the flag on a red background
  • The cross, like in the flags of the other Nordic countries represents Christianity
  • The red and blue colours refer to Denmark and Sweden, Norway’s former and present union partners
  • Designed in 1821 by Frederick Meltzer

Flag of France

Painted Flag Design of France Flag

Painted Flag Design of France Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of France:

  • Tricolour design featuring three vertical bands of blue ( hoist side ), white and red
  • Known as the French Tricolour or the Tricolour
  • Blue and red are the traditional colors of Paris. Blue is identified with Saint Martin and red with Saint Denis
  • Blue and red cockades on hats were used by the Paris militia at the storming of the Bastille in 1789
  • White had been featured as a prominent color on Franch flags and described by Lafayette as the “ancient French colour”
  • White was added to the revolutionary colours of the militia to nationalize the design, creating the tricolor
  • The colours may also represent the clergy ( white ), the nobility ( red ) and the bourgeoisie ( blue ), as well as symbolize freedom ( blue ), equality ( white ) and brotherhood ( red )
  • Officially adopted on July 1830, used as Napoleon Army flag in 1812

Flag of Botswana

Painted Flag Design of Botswana Flag

Painted Flag Design of Botswana Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Botswana:

  • The flag design of Botswana consists of a light blue field with in the middle a horizontal black stripe with thin white frame
  • It has been the flag of Botswana since 1966 when the country became independent from the British
  • It is one of the few African flags that doesn’t utilize the colours of the Pan-Africanist movement not the colours of the country’s leading political party
  • The light blue color of the flag represents water in the form of rain, a precious resource in Botswana which relies on agriculture and suffers from frequent droughts
  • The blue also alludes to the motto featured on the coat of arms of Botswana: ‘Pula’, which means ‘Let there be rain’ in Swetswana
  • The black stripe with white frame represents the harmony and cooperation of the people of different races living in Botswana
  • The black stripe and white frame also represents the stripes of the Zebra, the national animal of Botswana
  • Officially adopted on September 30, 1966

Flag of Lesotho

Painted Flag Design of Lesotho Flag

Painted Flag Design of Lesotho Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Lesotho:

  • The Lesotho flag design features a horizontal blue, white, and green tricolor with a black Mokorotlo ( a Basotho hat )
  • The Mokorotlo hat is part of the national dress of Lesotho and a national symbol
  • The flag was introduced to honour the 40th anniversary of independence and intended to reflect the peaceful orientation for the country
  • Officially adopted on October 4, 2006

Flag of Swaziland

Painted Flag Design of Swaziland Flag

Painted Flag Design of Swaziland Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Swaziland:

  • The Swaziland flag design depicts a shield and two spears, symbolizing protection from the country’s enemies
  • The black and white shield represents the peaceful coexistence of white and black people in Swaziland
  • The shield is an Emasotsha shield
  • Flag is based on one given by King Sobhuza II to the Swazi Pioneer Corps in 1941
  • The color red in the flag design represents past battles, the blue represents peace and stability and the yellow represents the natural resources of Swaziland
  • Offically adopted on October 6, 1968

Flag of Namibia

Painted Flag Design of Namibia Flag

Painted Flag Design of Namibia Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of Namibia:

  • Flag design comprises of 3 diagonal stripes of blue, red and green
  • Blue, red and green are the most important colours of the Ovambos, the largest ethnic group in Namibia
  • The colours red, white and blue represent the colours of the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance and blue, red and green the colours of SWAPO
  • The gold sun represents life and energy
  • The symbolism of the colours is further explained as follows: red representing the people of Namibia and their heroism and determination for an equal opportunity to all, white representing peace and unity, green symbolizes vegetation and agricultural resources, blue represents the clear Namibian sky and the Atlantic Ocean, the country’s water resources and rain
  • Officially adopted on March 21, 1990

Flag of South Africa

Painted Flag Design of South Africa Flag

Painted Flag Design of South Africa Flag

Some flag facts about the flag of South Africa:

  • Adopted on 27 April 1994 to replace the flag that had been used since 1928
  • Designed by State Herald Frederick Brownell
  • The colours black, green and yellow are found in the banner of the African National Congress
  • The colours red, white and blue refer back to the old ‘Transvaal vierkleur’, the Dutch tricolour and the flag of the United Kingdom
  • The design of a new South African flag was part of the negotiation process set in motion when Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990